And happily will vino lend a hand.
A group of friends parading over lands nostalgia hosts,
Will not adhere to nonsense that is planned.
A stag is very regal when it prances round a glen,
And statuesque in form presiding court.
But picture taking silliness allows frivolity,
A chance for Stag to have a brief consort.
It seems that playing games with boards and cards would be direct,
A time to ponder strategy or smarts.
When adding Harry Potter to existing merriment,
Ridiculousness flourishes from arts.
Though very often quite mundane in circumstance corrupt,
A dying car should cause a sharp dismay.
Quite happily the saving grace of life's absurdity,
Steps up when true Hell's Angels save the day.
In friends and whimsicality we find felicity,
A cherished contribution to our souls.
To find yourself in boredom or in loneliness defies,
The pieces of our heart that make us whole.
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